Products for

In the field of building automation and BMS systems, through its main and strategic partner, expert in automation, CAREL, ALOCOR offers its customers a wide range of components and systems for heating, automation and air conditioning. The product line consists of freely programmable controllers, displays, communications, sensors, programming and visualization software, as well as specific solutions for OEM (Оriginal Еquipment Мanufacturer) manufacturers.
The products and solutions that CAREL offers through ALOCOR are suitable for implementation in building automation (BMS) systems. They are extremely reliable and flexible in their integration with other systems and facilities, as they have an accessible and easy way of connecting and programming.
Building Managment System (BMS) are systems that allow the integration and control of all the technological needs of a building. This includes – fire alarm, lighting, smart elevators, air conditioning, access control to certain areas, etc. BMS systems consist of a software and hardware part that are interconnected with each other.
Nowadays, automation controllers should not only be quality and reliable, but also be able to communicate and control more and different devices. With the advent of such systems more and more in our daily lives, there is an increased demand for controllers. These building automation controllers must be universal and can be connected to more available and modern systems. Whether it is heating, automation or air conditioning, we at Allokor are ready to provide you with some of the most innovative, reliable and quality solutions on the market.
BMS systems are most often involved in the construction of large projects with numerous mechanical, HVAC and electrical systems. All these systems can be connected to one building control system. These systems typically account for 40% of the building’s consumption. If the lights are switched on, this number changes up to 70%. BMS systems are a critical and important component in the proper and successful management of electricity consumption and heating or cooling systems, which can lead to a reduction in bills of up to 50% in a year. Even with a poorly optimized system, heating, cooling and electricity costs can be reduced by up to 20%.
The products that ALOCOR offers are unique for the Bulgarian market. Over the years, more than 150 companies have trusted us. We keep in constant contact with many of our partners and help them optimize their sites as much as possible.
The BMS controllers that ALOCOR offers can be found in the company’s online store!